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Unfailing Kindness

I love how the Lord is so personal and knows us so intimately that He sends just the right person my way with just the right words of encouragement.  I won't lie...this has been a very difficult past several days.  As the reality of this sets in more and more I guess I am struggling with the adjustment.  I'm not handling it very well and I am disappointed in myself.  I am so thankful that the Lord loves me enough to be gracious and patient with me.  I need that kind of grace.

My Mom came by to get Jamesie today.  He went to run errands with her.  They went to the grocery store and he saw some donuts and conned Nana into them and a Sprite.
When they got back to Nana and Papa's he watered her flowers. 
Then Papa took him for his FIRST ice cream from the ice cream truck!  What a treat!
He got an ice cream sandwich.  I always got that hand with the bubble gum stuck to it...two treats in one!
Cats out of the bag on that one now.  It can never go back to just being the "music truck".  But what a sweet memory for him and Papa.  I love it. 
Judie Bug maybe did a little bit better on his bottle today but I still need him to drink more.  The minimum just isn't good enough.  I wonder where his appetite went???
We had dinner at Mom and Dad's tonight...outstandingly delicious enchiladas in case you were wondering.  Jude saw himself in the mirror for the first time...and he liked what he saw.
Now he knows why we're always smiling at him!
I got an email from Dr. Regueira (the oncologist) today and another portion of the pathology came back today with good results!  Thank you Lord!  He said that it remains "observation only for treatment" and that is good news!  We will take all the good news we can get!

Jeremiah 31:3-The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."


Celee said…
So glad about the good news! I think you're handling everything really well. Keep us posted.

Jen said…
Praise the Lord! SO glad to hear the good news! I agree, I think that you are handling this extremely well! Praying for you guys daily :) Wanna have a playdate soon? Next week?