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Jude Needs A Bodyguard

Jude was up much of the night last night.  We aren't sure what the deal was...if he was in pain or what.  Tonight his temp is 100* which isn't technically a temperature but higher than his norm.  Should I be concerned???  I don't know.

Today I gave Jude a long bath to try and soak off some of the steri-strips.  James helped me out by putting a bunch of his tub toys in the bath for Jude.  Jude thought this was great...
Until he saw it coming...
James threw a soap bottle at his face and cut it a little under his eye.  Not cool.  I think James is having some issues with all of the attention Jude is getting in spite of how "normal" we are trying to keep things.

Jude's a champ though...he took it and moved on.
I know I shouldn't feel this way but I feel like I need to steel myself for what is to come this week.  It seems like no matter what I plan for the day, it changes and I end up at a doctor's office.  Thank you Lord that You know the future and I can "walk into it non-defensively with arms outstretched to what lies ahead." (from 31 Days Of Praise)

Psalm 30:2-3 O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, and you restored my health.  You brought me up from the grave, O Lord.  You kept me from falling into the pit of death.

Psalm 75:1-How we thank You, Lord!  Your mighty miracles give proof that You care.


Celee said…
Yes, God has shown Himself to be trustworthy! You have been through so much that it's only natural to wonder what's next. You're handling it all so well! And Jude is definitely a CHAMP!
