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What's Up Dog?

Today I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and came around the corner to find that James had moved the rugs and was a winter beanie that he dug out of the closet.
To each his own...keep on sweepin'.
James and I played outside a lot today and a lot of that time was spent with James telling me what to draw with sidewalk chalk...a bunny...a puppy...a puppybunny.
I drew this little love note to Brad and later tonight when he saw it he wrote that little love note back to me...and I am about 4000% certain that he meant "ditto" not Dido the singer/songwriter. But whatever. I knew what he meant.
Nana and Papa came to see the boys today. We always love when Nana and papa come over.
And tonight Brad carefully cut off the hangy parts of Jude's steri-strips which totally freaks me out and I could never in a million years do it so I'm glad he can. BUT...we can see some of what his super awesome scar looks like! A total chick magnet! (In 35 years when I eventually let him out of my sight). And just because I am completely obsessed and neurotic about asking for prayer for Jude...we MIGHT hear something tomorrow about the remaining pathology. I will let you know. The Lord is definitely teaching me about His timing by making me wait and wait and wait for these results. He knows best. I keep repeating my recently learned BSF mantra..."It is for my good and His glory". But please continue to pray for good chemo needed and stage 1.
So James' new phrase is "What's up dog?" courtesy of his Daddy. He also will often bust out with a "booya" at oddly appropriate times. Who is this child?!?!?


Erin said…
I so wish that we could hop on the very next plane to Amarillo so that James and Laird could hang out and teach each other all sorts of inappropriate things that they have learned from daddies/aunties/uncles/cousins (but never ever mommies lol - although I am not sure your house would survive the onslaught of Laird and James together)...and so that I could just give you the longest hug ever and pray with you and make food for your whole family.

And btw, I do not think it is possible to be obsessed with asking for prayer. :)