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The Best Medicine

Brad has been out of town for work and finally got home tonight!  James waited up for him.  He was bored and tired of waiting.  I held him off with fruit snacks...which you can see his jowls are stuffed with.
More waiting and still hanging on to those fruit snacks...I think he's storing them up for winter...or should I forget to pick some up at the store.
Brad FINALLY got home and James ran and got his suitcase and drug it into the bathroom and sat on it like he was never going to let him leave again.
They got caught up on some serious man talk.

Judie Bug was just as happy to see his Daddy!  Things are just so much more fun when Daddy's home.  He's the life of this party.
I know this is going to sound cheesy but isn't there just something about laughter that makes things feel better.  I remember when we were in the hospital with Jude and that first night we didn't sleep.  I was sitting in the recliner and could hear the nurses out in the hall laughing with each other.  For some reason it was comforting to me.  At that point I was in no mood to laugh but hearing their laughter felt good.  The Mayo Clinic says that "laughter stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, increases endorphins released by your brain, it cools down your stress response, it stimulates circulation, it can help fight potentially serious illnesses, it is a natural pain killer and can break the pain-spasm cycle common to some muscle disorders, and it makes it easier to cope with difficult situations."  So with that I bring you one of the sweetest laughs I've ever heard...

Psalm 126:2-3-We laughed, we sang, we couldn't believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations-"God was wonderful to them!" God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people.


Melinda said…
You know ... you are absolutely right .. Laughter helps that stress level ... I remember when my marriage just fell out from under me and my life was turned upside down so violently ... There were days that I couldn't cry another tear because I was all dried up ... So all I could do was laugh. I looked so horrible standing in the bathroom with a puffy face, a towel that I carried around because tissues just couldn't keep up and I was laughing ... Hysterically. My kids thought I needed to be committed.

I am so happy that you are complete tonight with ALL your boys at home and every one is well and safe. I sure love you Stephanie and I pray that all will continue to be well in your life.

We still need to get together and catch up!! I am thinking a pedicure is the best medicine for both of us right now!! I am in SERIOUS need of some toe attention!!

All my love my friend!