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Do you ever have one of those bad days and the only reason it was bad is because you made it bad for yourself?  So I guess I had a self-inflicted bad day.  Brad had to work all day and James was in full-blown two year old mode.  Then I decided to sit down and read the entire 39 page packet on Neuroblastoma that the girl from the ACS sent me last night.  BAD IDEA!  I thought I was ready.  Not s'much.  Plus, Jude has decided he isn't really in the mood to eat lately which is totally stressing me out.  EAT KID!  EAT!  For the love...give me one less thing to worry about!

In an attempt to run some of the energy out of James we spent a lot of time outside.  I wanted to get a picture of the boys together.  I told James to go sit by his brother.
No...not in front of your brother...BESIDE your brother.
No...that's not it either...and loose the "cheese" face while you're at it.
Never mind.  I'll just crop you out.


bonnie said…
I think we all have those self-inflicted bad days! Mine are usually when I force myself to clean, which puts me in a bad mood! I actually enjoyed cleaning today though...weird.
Unknown said…
PUT THAT STUFF AWAY - there is NO need for you to read it...seriously. In cases like this, ingorance is bliss. I have yet to look on-line about my stuff and I won't - it doesn't matter what it story is my story, not other's stories. Let someone else read it and tell you the important stuff!