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Happy Easter

I hope your Easter was a wonderful as ours.  We went to church with my Mom and Dad then had an Easter egg hunt and lunch.  We enjoyed our time celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and spending time with family. 
Nana hung out with the boys in the back while the Easter bunny (aka Dad and Brad) hid the eggs in the back yard.
James was all hopped up on cough syrup and therefore totally relaxed and chill.  All he cared about once we let him outside was  opening each egg and eating as much candy as he could.  He didn't get the whole concept of gathering up all of the eggs first and then eating later.  I bet next year when he has a little competition from Jude he will be a little faster on the gathering part.
We have our appointment with Dr. Regueira tomorrow (the oncologist).  Jude should have his first round of tests tomorrow unless it has to be put off because of his ear infection.  We are praying for a good appointment, good test results, and answers to some questions we have that will hopefully provide more clarity.  Also, we hope to be able to have James' testing done this week.
