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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

James saw our neighbor's granddaughter pick up George the other day and so he decided he should be allowed to as well.  George's face says it all.  He's not thrilled with the new arrangement.  I've shielded him from James for 2 1/2 years...time's up.
This morning my friend Carrie (who is also the chair for our local ACS board of directors) came over and brought me this...

In case you've missed the other sixtytwothousand times I've mentioned it...I am pathetically type a and this feeds in to my problem beautifully.  It will help me keep all of Jude's cancer junk organized.  And I love to organize things.

Tonight Brad and James blew bubbles...James' new favorite thing ever...besides collecting pine combs.  Doesn't Brad have beautiful bubble form?  He's got skills yall.
And don't be jealous because our neighbor has a Topsy Turvy Tomato Plant Hanger in her front yard. 

Jude loved being outside enjoying the unusually un-windy day.
We have been asked several times by several different people if we have gotten a second opinion and why we have not.  We feel super-confident with Dr. Regueira but if the Lord is leading us to seek out a second opinion we want to be open to that.  I don't want to stand my ground and regret it later.  We plan on talking to Dr. R about this at our appointment on the 25th.  We are just praying for wisdom and clearly open (or shut) doors.  I don't want to put Jude through any unnecessary stress if the path we are on is the right one.  But of course, it goes without saying that we want the very very best we can get for Jude. 


bonnie said…
You guys are very, very wise. We'll be praying for the right decision to be obvious.
Erin said…
I have been wondering about that too. I have even been wondering if you should come here. We have the BEST hospital in the world here in Baltimore - Johns Hopkins. I am sure the last thing you want to do is go 2000 miles away from home. If you do ever go that route - you know our home is yours!
Unknown said…
You already know in your heart the answer to that question. Just listen – it will tell you.
From my experience, people want you to get that second opinion in order to set them at peace with what is going on. There are wonderful hospitals with wonderful trials, drs, etc EVERYWHERE. If there was a trial out there, if there was a Dr. that your Dr. knew could help you more than he is able to, he would tell you – in a heartbeat. He would probably buy the ticket there himself. With me, everyone wanted me to go to MD Anderson because they “cure everyone” Every cancer situation is different.
Follow your heart, it knows the way.
Hang in there.