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First of friend Leslie brought over some chocolate cupcakes today because she knows they are my VERY favorite.  So sweet of her!  There were initially 6 but one barely made it in the front door before I had it crammed in my mouth.
Second and third delicious food items of the day...

The Capuchin Nuns Of St. Clare made these delicious burritos and tamales.  Do yourself a favor and try not to ever run out of these.  Our freezer will be stocked.  They are De. Lish.
Those Capuchin Nuns know what's up when it comes to tamales and burritos. 

We will be putting James through a number of tests on the 20th.  I am not looking forward to it and much bribery and gifts will be given to get him through the day.  We will start at 7:30 that morning because he has to have an empty tummy.  And Jamesie + An Empty Tummy = CRANKY.  But these tests will put my mind at ease and hopefully reassure us that everything with him is tip top.
Judie Bug has an appointment tomorrow with the World's Greatest Surgeon, Dr. Nirgiotis.
Next he will have an appointment on the 25th with Dr. Regueira to do some blood and urine tests.  These will be the ones we do every month for the next forever.
The Lord continues to literally surround us with people who are praying for us and with us.  People that have been a sweet sweet comfort.  Today our across-the-street neighbors came over with their daughter and two granddaughters and prayed with us for Jude.  It meant so so much for them to take the time to do that.  Mr. Edwards held Jude while he prayed and Jude just laid his little head on his chest.  So sweet.

The list continues to grow and grow with the sweet things the Lord does for us.  The things that seem small but are really so big and so personal and so timely.  We don't deserve all of His kindness but He lavishes it on us anyways.

Psalm 103:2-With all my heart I will praise the LORD!  I will never forget how kind He has been.
