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My Own Little Christopher Robin

This morning while I was getting ready for our appointment with Dr. Nirgiotis, James took it upon himself to feed Jude the rest of his bottle (that he did not want).  What a good big brother.
The appointment went well.  Dr. Nirgiotis thought Jude was healing nicely.  Again, he was so wonderfully patient and calming.  We love that guy!

After his appointment we went by Nana and Papa's to say hello.  James had no interest in going home so Nana was sweet enough to let him stay.  When Brad got home we walked over to get him.  This is what we saw when we walked up...
Tut-Tut...looks like rain.

Then when HE saw US...he said..."STAY BACK!"  He was not ready to leave Nanaville.
Then he demanded that he push the stroller by himself.  Poor Jude.
Kinda scary...
Considering he can't see over the handles.
 He did the best he could.

Thank goodness he decided he would hitch a ride on Daddy's shoulders.

A lot of what is giving me anxiety about James' testing...aside from the that James is terribly afraid of getting blood drawn or scans done.  He freaks out.  When we did his CT a few weeks ago he busted out of the big velcro straps.  They had to call in extra nurses.  It literally took 7 adults to hold him down...Brad, me, and 5 nurses.  James does not mess around when it comes to letting people know how he feels about medical procedures.  So I called our doc today to ask if we could sedate him...for his sake and for mine.  Apparently that is not an option.  I can give him phenergan.  That's my option.  Bummer.  So I will resort to good ole bribery...I'm not above it.  However, Brad did tell me tonight that he would be able to be there.  That will help me a James bless his sweet little heart.  All of this will go down on the 20th.  Please pray that all of the test results come back good (blood, urine, chest x-ray, sono) and that the Lord will give James a peace and a calm...and that Brad and I will be able to comfort and reassure him in the best way possible.

Proverbs 14:30a-A heart at peace gives life to the body...


Melinda said…
Why is Jamsie having tests??!! What is wrong with him??? HEAVENS GIRL!! I would be in a corner .. in the fetal position ... crying hysterically if I had all that on my plate!!