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Stick 'Em Up!

James and Jude are still both fighting this cruddy coughing runny nose nastiness and I'm just about tired of it. 
This is how James schlepped in after his nap this afternoon...with my pillow and one of the tv remotes.  I don't even know how or why those things ended up in his room.
But his look tells me he knew better.

Later we filled up his water gun and he shot everything in sight...including me and his brother.
He even got the mayor (to-be).
Jude loved the shoot out.  I can see it there in his eyes...he's planning his soon as he can walk.  James better watch out.
James accidentally (totally on purpose) spilled a bottle of bubbles today and this was his response. 
For some reason I'm not feeling the sincerity.  Never mind that there is a bug in his hair.  I swear I bathed him just this morning.  For reals.

We are still waiting on Jude's lab work.  I hope we hear something tomorrow.  And hopefully James will be well enough to have his testing done next week.  So much waiting.  I don't like it.
