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Small Victories

We had BSF this morning and for the first time Jamesie RAN into his classroom joyfully instead of crying and clinging.  I was delighted!  Glad we cleared this hurdle right before we break for the summer and have to start all over again in the fall.  Awesome.  But hey...I will take the victories wherever we can get them.
Jude hung with me because we're tight like that...and because I'm not ready to leave him yet.
After we got home Puppy rode on the horsey...down to town.
And Jude practiced his tryout routine for contortionist school.  He's a shoo-in.
I love to hear Jude's laugh...and he saves his biggest laughs for his Daddy.
Although the things we have been through recently have shaken us to the core, Brad reminds me that we have to keep life as "normal" as possible for James and Jude's sake.  So we go on walks to collect pinecones, blow bubbles, draw with sidewalk chalk, read books, watch cartoons, race to the mailbox, and laugh.  We rejoice in the small James going into his classroom like a big boy, and for being "Jude's greatest big brother in all the world", and for finding the tiniest baby pinecone on our walk.  Jude doesn't know any different.  He doesn't know he has cancer.  And really, James doesn't either.  He just knows that Bubba has a boo-boo and we need to kiss it a lot.  So...I guess the acting normal and happy thing is mostly for our benefit.  Their laughter makes us happy.  It makes us feel normal.  It makes us feel like we don't have the big black cancer cloud hanging over our heads every second of the day.

Psalm 126:2-Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.  Then it was said among the nations,  "The Lord has done great things for them."

One more BSF there are trained children's leaders that teach the children the same lesson the adults are learning but age appropriately.  These women prepare lessons and songs for the children.  They LOVE these little ones.  They PRAY for the children and their heavy-hearted mommies.  And so what was a victory for me when James ran into his classroom was also a victory for them.  And that means so much to me.  These women have cried and prayed with me and for me.  What a blessing they are!  I love them so much.


Erin said…
What's a pine comb?
Jen said…
Continued prayers for you guys! We LOVE BSF and their wonderful teachers! So glad Abby and James are in the same class! :)