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More About The Morning

I have mentioned before about my mother's singing. When I was little she would always sing Good Morning from Singin' In The Rain. At the time, I didn't know it was a real song, I thought she made it up...along with several others that I thought she herveryownself composed. She didn't tell me that she wrote these songs...I just assumed and never thought to ask. Well, a few months ago while watching TV, a Styrofoam cup commercial came on with that song playing. My jaw hit the floor! I turned to Brad and said, "MY MOTHER WROTE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!" He assured me that she probably didn't. I immediately googled it and found to my absolute shock that it indeed was not written by my mom but was in the musical Singin' In The Rain!!!!! I downloaded it and have been singing it to poor baby James every single morning since. I imagine he is pretty darn sick of it by now but that's ok. Sometimes I mix it up and throw a little Oh What A Beautiful Morning in there. (For the record I thought she wrote that one too).

The next day I was over at mom's discussing my shocking revelation with her and went down the list of songs that I believed she wrote. I was much relieved to find out that I was mostly correct...she did make up You're Momma's Little Baby, Scrubby Dubby, and You're The Sweetest Little Baby...she did not write Put Your Little Foot, Good Morning, or Oh, What A Beautiful Morning...but I am ok with that. I felt a little bit like I had just found out that Santa Clause is not real but being 31, I had to deal with reality and move on. It's all about the sweet memories that go along with those songs and not who the actual composer is.
