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Saturday Morning

Ahhh...what could be any better than waking up on a lazy Saturday morning to pouring rain? I love it. I am all snugged down with my cup of coffee and my two guys are still asleep. I hope it rains all day! Mainly because that means I get out of running for the day...I am certainly not one of those hard-core runners who will run no matter what the weather does. Nope, I will take any excuse to stay tucked inside.

Yesterday, Mom, Dad, James and I went to Lubbock. We had hoped to get the little portable dvd player thingy to work so James could watch Baby Einstein the whole way. Well, between the 3 adults, we couldn't figure out how to make it work. So Dad got out his laptop and held it there for James. So sweet. Too bad this child doesn't have a doting Nana and Papa.

James tried to do some typing with his toes.

And here he is with his 91 year old great grandmother Dee Dee. He looks as big as she is...but she really is kind of tiny. And in real life, he doesn't look quite like the bobble-head that he does here. He is actually very well proportioned.


Sarah Hammer said…
i remember dee dee! he looks like he likes her...