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James, Birds and a Correction

Mom and Dad got back from Louisiana last night. We were so happy to see them! James had missed his Nana and Papa. They brought us all sorts of fun sussies and this is one of James'.
How cute is that?!?!?! It says, "My fingers might be small but I can still wrap Papa around them." Adorable.

You know the birdies on my front porch...well, this morning on my run I saw a dead baby bird at the end of the block. I don't think it was one of mine though...too far away. Unless somehow Stacy, the neighbor's cat, got it. Who names a cat Stacy??? Wait...I named my dog George. I guess I am not one to judge pet names. But seriously...Stacy? Come on. That's just silly. Anywho...I was completely consumed with the dead baby bird my whole run. It was sad but more than that...I realized that it looked an awful lot like that mess of stuff in the nest that looks like fur and skin. I am sure hoping that those are not dead baby birds in the nest. I really need a bird specialist for this. I am obsessing over it.

And a correction from a previous Mom informed me this afternoon that when I got my head stuck in the railing at the airport it did not actually require security guards to free it. She got me un-stuck her very ownself thankyouverymuch. I guess in the trauma and horror of the event my childlike mind concocted a more dramatic rescue and I chose to believe that all these many years. My Mom was the real hero! And I thank her!
