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The Sisters

I've mentioned before that I have some sisters. So now I am going to blog about them even though I feel about 200% sure that they don't want me to. Too bad.

They are spectacularly beautiful twins. Carrie is 1 whole minute older than Christi. They are 5 years older than me. Whenever I tell people I have twin sisters you would be surprised how much I get, "oh, are yall identical?"...right, well that would make us triplets and I clearly said twins. Maybe I should say, "I have sisters that are twins". Hmmm...something to think on. I usually just end up saying, "nope" and leave it at that. But THEY are identical. I think it must have been so much fun growing up as a twin. I wouldn't know. When we were little, Carrie told me that I was adopted because she found the adoption papers in one of mom's drawers. Aside from that, we all got along really well. (For the record, I wasn't adopted. I don't think. No...I doubt it...I look exactly like my mother. Maybe THEY were adopted!!! They don't look like us!)
Anyhow, Carrie is married to Andy and they have 2 beautiful girls, Morgan and Madison. Christi is married to Cory and they have 3 handsome boys, Will, Grant and Brock.
My sisters are my best friends. I love when we can all get together. I feel so blessed to have their influence in my life. They are both incredible mothers and fabulous wives. They are also both hysterically funny. For my 30th birthday my mom and the three of us all went on a shopping/eating trip to Dallas. I have never laughed harder in my entire life.

I love that they still call me their "baby sister". I love having sisters. They know me inside and out. They know what I am thinking without having to say it. They will rush to my side for the happy and the sad...births, deaths, wins, losses, and everything else. I love having two other people who totally get me and love me anyways.
