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Brad and George

You remember last week when I was sad and miserable without my sweet husband here? Well, while he was away doing all sorts of manly outdoorsy stuff, he hurt his back. I sort of thought it was just because he is getting SO old, but apparently not. It has gotten really bad. Being the compassionate soul that I am, I threw some Advil and a heating pad at him and went on about my business. Well, this morning, he was in excruciating pain. He went to the doctor and they looked him over and told him to take some Advil, lay on a heating pad (gosh...I should be a doctor) and gave him a prescription for muscle relaxers (which I plan on stealing later on because have you ever taken a muscle relaxer? Heavenly sleep!). Anyhow, he took the day off of work to follow the doctors orders and take it easy. So I thought, SUPER! I will have some help getting ready for our company this weekend!!!!

Ummmm....I guess not....

I told you those muscle relaxers make for some good sleeping. I think he was supposed to wait until bedtime.

One more thing...I got George groomed today and he feels so pretty! And he looks it too. He knows when he looks cute because he prances around like he's all that. If only he knew he was wearing a pink rosy bandanna...which oddly enough matches my couch perfectly! How delightful!
