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Gaining Weight

My sweet hubby has a problem that I would give just about anything to have. He has to gain weight. Can you imagine???? GAIN weight???? Life is just so unfair sometimes. The problem with him is that he has a great great love for all things exercise. The problem with me is that I have a great great love for all things food. The problem with the two of us being married is that when I cook to help him gain weight I also end up eating it. What a dilemma.

When Brad was in the Navy, he would have to eat several cheeseburgers a day just to maintain the calories that he had burned that day. So, the other night at dinner I asked him what I could make that would help him gain weight. He wanted chocolate cupcakes and sausage balls. So yesterday I made 6 dozen baby cupcakes with chocolate buttercream icing, 5 dozen sausage balls, 3 creme brules, and two casseroles. Plus I have been heavily discouraging him from working out due to his back problems. I bet he hasn't gained a single stinkin pound, but I on the other hand, have probably gained 50 pounds just from licking the cake batter off the beaters.

I love that he is so physically fit. I am so proud of him for that. I truly wish I shared his love of exercise. I will do it but I don't love it and look forward to it like he does. I get up and run in the mornings before the baby is awake and before Brad leaves for work. And while I am running I pray that I will learn to love running as much as Brad does. I want to love and enjoy the things that he loves and enjoys so that we can do them together. Maybe that will happen, but right now there are some cupcakes calling my name.


Wendy said…
Oh dear.
Now I desperately need:
1. Several cheeseburgers
2. cupcakes
3. sausage balls
4. something to cook for dinner.