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The Engagement

Have I ever told you the story of my engagement? I didn't think so! It's such a good story.

Brad and I started dating on August 15, 2004. We had known each other for years before that though. Of course we met at a coffee shop. He worked there and I went there everyday. After our first date, he brought the most beautiful bouquet of flowers up to my office. A couple of days later he was off to San Diego. He was in the Navy. We kept in touch and saw each other about every 6 weeks. Eventually he moved back to Amarillo. Our normal routine was to eat lunch together every Saturday at our favorite park. But on October 1, 2005, he told me he wanted to meet me at my apartment and he would stop and pick up lunch on his way there. He finally called me and asked if I could come down to the parking lot to help him. As soon as I got down the stairs and outside, I heard the clippity clopping of horses. I looked around the corner and there was my handsome Bradley, in a suit, holding a bouquet of pink roses, riding on a big white horse drawn carriage. We rode to our park, got out and walked over to some trees. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was completely blown away and over-joyed! It was so romantic and sweet.

We debated on several dates and places for our wedding. Should we have a destination wedding? A church wedding? A big wedding? A small wedding? Elope? Finally we decided to get married in my parent's back yard. On July 14, 2006, we had a small wedding, only about 50 people. It was absolutely perfect and beautiful. We both say that the only thing we would change about it if we could is that we wish it could have lasted longer. We so enjoyed getting to visit with everyone and the night was so perfect.

The next day we went to Santa Fe for our honeymoon. We stayed at the La Posada Resort and Spa and then went to Taos to the El Monte Sagrado which is also a spa. I wish we had spent the entire time at the El Monte. It was absolutely fabulous. There are just no words to tell you how magnificent that place is.

When we finally came back to Amarillo, it was so exciting to start our lives together. We lived in my little apartment until January of 2007 and then we moved into this house and then we had sweet baby James. It has been such a wonderful 3 years. Brad is such a sweet blessing. I am so glad he asked me to marry him.


Melinda said…
Awww .. that should be written in a journal for your son to share with his family!! Absolutely AMAZING!!