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Slugs and Bugs

I've got this kid that I am wholly captivated by. It's true...I think that everything he does is darling and brilliant. I am amazed and thrilled each day when I wake up that I get to be his mommy. I am so thankful that the Lord and my husband allow me to stay home with him because it would absolutely break my heart to leave him.

Anyhow, enough of that. This morning when I went in to wake him up, I turned on his light and found this repulsive thing...
It's a slug Brad tells me. I called him at work and screamed to him in all of my terror that there was a huge worm or centipede in James' room. He walked me through the process of putting the child somewhere safe and going to the kitchen to get the bug spray. I drowned the awful monster and then turned a trashcan over on it to trap it. Brad at first suggested that I put a shoe on and step on it. Just the thought of that gave me the prickly heats. I told him I would absolutely not step on it and then he came up with the bug spray plan. Whew! He came home at lunch and removed it and told me it was just a slug. "Just a slug?!?!?!?!?!?!", I said incredulously. "How did it get in? Why did it get in?? And you MUST bug spray the entire house and outside today!" Which he so sweetly did on his lunch break and I am so thankful! He's the best!

I appropriately dressed James in this bug outfit.

So off we went to Nana's (AGAIN!!!) so as not to breath the harmful bug spray fumes. My poor mom, I imagine she is getting tired of babysitting me day after day. Luckily for her I am going to be busy tomorrow making baby food so she gets a full day off.
James drools excessively. Maybe more than excessively. You notice that his clothes are always wet. And the picture below actually captured the drool in motion. Bless his little heart. I don't really mind it and in fact, I think it is all sorts of cute. I realize that not everyone shares my opinion on this though. Maybe I should hang a little bucket around his neck to catch all the drool. Brad is forever wiping his little chin as though another stream of drool isn't right behind it.'s just another one of those cute baby stages...I hope.


apryl said…
umm about the slug thing, in my old house they came in like crazy and we had to wake up to my cat choking on them thinking he could eat them as a midnight snack....gross I know, but I tell you to tell you this...they are extrememly hard to get rid of! I was told to put salt around the border of the house outside so they die before they come in...can't really tell you if it worked cause I got the heck out of that house! oh and by the way....James is absolutely adorable!
The Vinyards said…
I did not know that you had a blog! James is so cute! My son (who is almost 10 years old!!) drooled really bad at times. We have several pictures with wet collars or cute bibs on. Hope you guys are having a great summer!

(you should check out our blog sometime!)
Jodie Perkins said…
That is soo me! The screaming-about-a-slug, I mean. I quit drooling :) What a sweet hubby to come home and exterminate on his lunch break!