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Cooking And Packing Day tentatively we are planning on leaving in the morning. There has been no barfing today so we think we are in the clear. Plus, it helps to ease my mind that we are traveling with a doctor. Isn't that the best! Such a secure feeling.

So today was cooking and packing day. I cooked my sisters' birthday cake since we will be celebrating their birthday there. It is August 1st in case anyone wants to know and wish them a happy birthday! I made them a German chocolate cake. It's my Mom's recipe and it is the best! It is usually made in 3 layers but Mom and I have figured out that you get a much yummier ratio of frosting to cake if you make it in a 9 X 13. LOTS of frosting! But if you want to be all fancy schmancy, go right on ahead and do it in 3 layers. Let me tell you, this is the best batter in all of the history of the whole world. I always make sure to save plenty for lickin'. Here is the finished product. I don't normally make things in foil pans but we wanted to do as little dish-washing as possible since we're on vacation and all.

Side note: years ago my Mom made my sisters and me cookbooks of all of her recipes written out by hand. It is such a treasure! I use it regularly and it is so special because it is in her hand writing and she also included little notes at the bottom of each recipe about where she got them or a special memory from making it. I love it. This is mine...

I also made these breakfast casseroles. They are super-yummy too...even if I do say so myself.

James was super uncooperative today and was all sorts of cranky. It made an already stressful day of cooking and packing a little less pleasant. But he got away with it because he is so cute and smiled at me when I took this picture of him.

Brad has just about finished loading up most of everything that we can for tonight. Wow! That's a lot of stuff!

Hopefully we will be on the road bright and early tomorrow morning! Bye-bye!
