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My Active Little Boy

Today I've been given a small little glimpse into what my future holds with this active little boy. We started the day off right with a nice warm bubble bath. James loves bath time! And he really loves this little tiny duck. It is just the right size for his mouth. Which sort of worries me.

He has started crawling really fast to one end of the tub and then belly-flopping. Then he'll crawl to the other end and do the same thing. Today he fell backwards and just laid there...enjoying the warm water I guess. It ended up being a bath for him and a shower for me. I may have actually gotten wetter than he did.

Then I was hanging up some laundry and I heard some strange noises coming from the kitchen. I comforted myself with the thought that we have baby locks on all of the cabinets with dangerous stuff in them so he can't be getting into too much trouble. That's when I walked in and saw this... Now I am not saying I had the neatest cabinets to begin with but clearly James thought I needed some help reorganizing. And he was just the man for the job! He effectively emptied all of the sippy cups out of the cabinet.
What a helpful little boy!
I caught some of the action on video before he realized I was there.
He also emptied the dog bowl onto the floor, dumped the trash can onto the floor and played in the trash, rubbed sweet potatoes in his hair and ears, poured apple juice on the floor, unfolded the folded laundry, pulled all the towels off the towel racks about 90 times (his new favorite thing to do), threw baby powder across his room, pulled ALL of his books off the book shelf, and scattered toys to every end of this house.

By the end of the day I was tired and ready for his Daddy to get home. Nana and Papa stopped by and I tried to pawn him off on them. No takers. They compassionately told me that this is just the beginning. Luckily after dinner, Brad took care of him so I could go escape into my own bubble bath...alone...and quiet...for a long long time. He also put all the sippy cups back into the cabinet for me. Isn't he the best thing ever?!?!?

I heard lots of laughing when I got out and this is what I found...
So cute. That little boy loves his Daddy!

Now he is in bed and I miss him. I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow. I am so thankful to have a healthy, active, curious, cheerful, and imaginative little boy.
