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I Married Prince Charming

We had a great anniversary! It started out by taking James to the doctor for his 9 month check-up. Can I just tell you how much we love our pediatrician!? She is just THE BEST! We go to Dr. Hoving and just adore her. Right after I had James she really did a lot for us and was nothing short of a direct answer to our prayers. And she has the world's best nurse ever....Lorraine. We have a very special bond with both of these wonderful ladies.

One time we had to call the doctor's office late at night for something that was worrying us about James. Dr. Hoving was on-call that night and called us back. Brad was apologizing for calling so late and she said, "I'm glad to hear from you! I was just praying for yall!" You just can't get any better than that!

Anyhow...James is tall and thin just like his dad! Other than that she told us he is doing just great and looks wonderful. We sort of already knew that but it's always good to hear it from a medical professional.

After his appointment I put him down for a nap and watched our wedding video and cried. Just like I do every year...and every time I watch it. Such wonderful memories.

After his nap I took James over to his Nana and Papa. They babysat him so Brad and I could go on a date. Brad brought me a dozen roses like some of the ones we had in our wedding!
He is so sweet! I love roses!

Then we went to dinner and to see The Proposal. That movie is hilarious! We can't wait to see it again...that's how good it was.

After the movie we picked up James and came home. We had ordered dessert from the restaurant to-go and brought it home. So how does a happy no longer newly wed couple end such a wonderful evening celebrating their wedded bliss? By watching tv and eating dessert. Notice the remote in his hand....a true sign of romance.

We had a wonderful anniversary and I look forward to all of the anniversaries to come.


awwww...that is awesome! Congratulations!!!