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13 Reasons Why Today Was Better Than Yesterday

1. I woke up and it was raining which is an automatic disqualifier for running. It is an actual invitation to stay in my jammies and snuggle down with a cup of coffee.

2. Mani
3. Pedi
4. I got a Frosty and spilled a large amount of it down the front of my white shirt BUT it didn't cause me to have a meltdown as it would have yesterday...I just laughed....and bleached the shirt.

5. I'm made hamburger helper for dinner because it was easy...disgusting...but easy.

6. James tried his first popsicle.

7. George doesn't have worms.

8. There have been no more worms on the kitchen floor.

9. The Lord showed me His sense of humor this morning when I was reading Psalm 22...specifically verse 6 in light of yesterday.

10. This pile of unfolded laundry... Turned into this pile of folded laundry....
11. Brad and I focused on the fact that his speeding ticket from yesterday was nothing more than that...just a ticket. He wasn't in a wreck or something awful.

12. Brad took me and James for ice cream after dinner! James loved the chocolate amaretto with rainbow sprinkles.

13. After ice cream we went to the park where we got engaged. It was our first time to take James there.

This was the best part of the day!James got to swing with Mommy... And swing in the baby swing...And slide with Daddy... And be just all around adorable...

And for the record...Brad didn't propose on the playground equipment...he proposed over in one of the pretty areas. Just FYI...


You make me laugh! I love you! And I'm glad today was a better day :)