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Puff The Magic Jamesie

Jude is getting really good at army crawling.  I wish he would just CRAWL!  Here is a little example.
And when I went into to get James up from his nap, I found him in the center of a big huge puff of baby powder. Why does he do these things to me?  Oh!  I remember why!  Because someone (ahem...Bradley!!!!) left the baby powder out in his room and I have learned that you don't leave ANYTHING out if you don't want it destroyed when James is behind a closed door. 
He emptied the powder bottle (Bottle? Container? Shaker?) on the floor, changing table, and himself.  And just so you know before you watch the video..."doopa" is baby powder at our house.  Why, you ask?  Because Brad calls hiney bo's "doopas" and when he changes James' diaper he would always tell him he was putting powder on his doopa and so somewhere along in there James started calling powder doopa.
Tonight we went over to Mom and Dad's to celebrate Brad's birthday one more time.  James celebrated by playing with the play-doh.
Mom is so fun!  She always fixes us our favorite meal and cake for our birthday.  Brad picked hamburgers, chocolate cake with chocolate icing, armadillo eggs sweet Mommy got Brad his favorite root beer in a bottle that you can only get at Jason's deli and she even made him homemade vanilla ice cream!  We are so spoiled.
Our prayers are still with the families who have lost SO much with the wildfires. And we hear that there are more burning now. Please Lord bring us some rain. The fires are about 5 1/2 miles away from us and we are in the middle of town so we are safe, but our hearts break for those who have lost their homes. What a devastation. We are diligently praying for them as well as the firemen and everyone else involved in helping.


Anonymous said…
Hi there! I am visiting new blogs and I jumped over here from Sarah Kate's blog.

Such cute kiddos!! I remember finding my little one (she is 4 now) covered in baby powder many times. Ugh! She sure smelled good tho! :) (Ya gotta find the good in it, right??)
Nice to meet you! :)