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It's Not Just A Fairy Tale...

I didn't know if it could really entire weekend off...but today when my Mom asked me about James' recent issues because of the antibiotic...and I couldn't answer her because I hadn't changed a single dirty diaper in 2 hit me that I really had a weekend off!  My husband is AWESOME!  I mean it!  He's the best!  And he got several projects done around the house too!  He's a much better housewife than I am.

He let James help him on a little project today out in the garage.  I watched from inside and it was so sweet to see them working together and James talking non-stop the whole time.  He noted that Brad was making a mess so he cleaned it up for him.  He will not tolerate messes!  "Daddy's makin' a mess.  I pean it up!" he says.
Inspecting Daddy's work
I went to run a quick errand and when I got back Brad had Jude sitting in the high chair for the first time eating his carrots!  So proud of my big boy!
James thinks he needs his picture taken too anytime Jude has his picture taken.  I'm happy to oblige.

Thank you Sweetie for giving me some down time this weekend.  I love you so much!  You are the best hubby ever!

Tonight I had coffee with my friend Heidi.  This woman is truly a STRONG woman of God.  She blows me away with her strength, character, wisdom, and love of the Lord.  It was a great end to a great weekend!
