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So Here's The Rub

Judie Bug is still making great progress on his crawling!  It's so cute!
He is packing on the pounds too.  Look at those cheeks!  Looks like they are so heavy they are about to fall off his face.
He is such a sweet happy baby.
So here is the deal from last night's post.  Aside from the fact that my son has cancer, I am still waiting for James' test results and I am sick of waiting, I am terribly hurt by a "friends" insensitivity, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that was sort of emotional, and a few other things that I won't go into detail on, our dog George attacked James the other night as we came in from Mom and Dad's.  He bit him twice.  James did nothing to provoke him.  We have no idea what the deal was.  George continued to growl at him for the rest of the evening and all the next morning.  Actually he was growling at both boys.  I've had George for 6 years and he has growled and nipped a lot.  Even bitten a few times but he's never bitten one of the boys...just nipped at them.  Every time I say, "the next time he does that to one of the boys we have to get rid of him..." but then I make excuses and say it will probably never happen again.  But it did.  This was the worst time.  So we decided that we just can't risk him biting the boys anymore.  With everything that is going on with Jude I don't need one more thing to worry about.  I couldn't even walk out of the room without picking Jude up and taking him with me for fear of George biting him.

I called our groomer, Charla, and she had a friend that wanted him.  I took him to Charla to get him all dolled up.  When I went back to pick him up I just burst into tears immediately when I saw him.  Sweet Charla cried with me and helped me take him over to the new owner along with all of his stuff.  It absolutely broke my heart.  It is just that along with everything else that is going on...this was just one more crummy thing in a long line of crummy things lately.  It was the right thing to do though.  Just because something is the right thing to do doesn't mean it feels good or doesn't hurt.  But the boys come first.

As stupid as it sounds, George was our "baby" before we had babies.  When I was pregnant with James we used to sit around with George and wonder if we would like our kids as much as we liked George.  It was a heartbreak to take him to someone else.

His new home is with an older single lady who will spoil him rotten I'm sure.  Just like he deserves.  I was trying to get through telling her about all of his quirks...the fact that he licks constantly...nothing in particular...he just licks the air.  And that she would eventually get used to it and then it would get to be a comforting sound.  I told her that he likes peanut butter for a treat.  That when his tummy is upset it gurgles and you have to fix him chicken and it makes it all better.  That he paws at the door when he needs to go potty.  He barks if anyone even thinks about walking down the sidewalk.  He is good with other dogs but not so much with children and people who come into the repairmen.  Sometimes he has accidents on the carpet but he feels badly about it when he does and he will go and hide.  When it's cold outside he needs to wear a sweater because he gets the shivers very easily.  When he gets really excited he will make laps around in a circle over and over.  At that point I couldn't say anymore without crying so I just left.  I know he will be happy.  I'm just sad for me.
But obviously there are way bigger things in life. I have a lot on my plate right now. Less concerns and worries are better. I can't have to worry about the dog biting the boys on top of everything else. They come first and that is that.  And I look at the news and see that people have lost their homes, even their loved ones, to tornadoes...this is small compared to that.  George is going to be super happy where he is and won't have two pesky little boys to contend with.  I'm sure he's thrilled.

So with all that is going on...Jude's cancer, James' lab work, hurt feelings, regular everyday worries and concerns, a million doctor's appointments a week, George...I still have the Lord to turn to.  What would I do without that?!?!  I am so grateful that when things are bad, I have HIM!  He knows what lies ahead for us.  He has got it all under control even if it feels so out of control to me.  He is Holy God.  He tells me to trust Him.  I can trust Him.

John 14:1-Jesus said, "Do not let you your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me."


Erin said…
I so understand about George. I was convinved I could NEVER love Laird as much as I love Jones (ahem). I can't imagine how hard that was for you yesterday. I hope the new owner will send you updated pics of him...and I am so sorry that he bit James. I am sure that the new situation is best for everyone, and it is wonderful that you know George will be loved in his new home.

Just point me in the direction of your insensitive friend. I and my little (huge huge) brothers will make him/her wish they'd never been born.

:) I think threats of violence are AWESOME when your feelings are hurt. :)
Celee said…
Sorry Snuzi! That just stinks! We're praying for you.
