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Good Jude News

I talked to Dr. Regueira's nurse today and we have great news! Jude's lab work came back within the normal range! I have no earthly idea what the specifics of that are, but I'm glad it is a good thing! So does that mean I can stop worrying for 3 weeks until the next round? Prolly not.  But it's always nice to get good news!  Thank you Lord!

My friend Kristi is in town and we got together today.  She is my crafty friend that makes blankies, bibs, burp clothes, key rings, aprons, and lots of other sweet things. Anyways...Kristi and I were BFFs back in middle school and everybody thought we were sisters because we looked so much alike...and we still do!
I LOVED getting to meet her girls! Precious!
Jamesie got all slicked up for the occasion.  He tries to impress the ladies.
He hit the jackpot today because Avery played play-doh with him...
And Kyndall played at the tool bench with him.
They were all so cute together.  (I love how Jamesie and Avery have their little feet together).
It was so great to spend some time with Kristi.  Just the girl time I needed.  Plus...we started out the morning at my very favorite fine dining establishment...The Donut Stop.  Yum.

After such a great day my little super hero was beat.
Tonight my Mom sent me some pictures from her phone that she had of the boys. 
Jamesie loves to help Nana water her flowers.
And I love this picture of him.  It makes me think of how he says flowers..."towers"...usually followed by "for mommy".


bonnie said…
Yay! Great news! It gets easier...I promise!
Celee said…
So happy about the good results!

Melinda said…
FANTASTIC news!! You and Kristi are so beautiful!!