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Turned The Corner

When we go to Dr. Honey's and she looks in Jamesies ears with the otoscope, she always tells him she's looking for puppies.  James hates having his ears looked in worse than anything.  We don't know why but Dr. Honey finally figured him out!  Our first appointment with her last week she had a video on her phone of "Dabby" (James' name for her), one of her daughters, and also one of James' true loves...the other is Dr. Honey's other daughter.  Dabby talked about how fun it is to look for puppies in your ears.  On our second visit of the week he asked to see the video again and let her look in his ears like a big boy!  The first time in 2 years and 7 months.  So now every time James sees our ear thermometer, he looks for puppies and talks about Dabby.
Everyone is getting better little by little around here.

One of the worst parts about everyone being sick is all the laundry. Will it ever end????
Jude is catching up on some much needed sleep.
Now it's time for me to catch up on some.  Nite nite.
