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Jamesie Scissorhands

Things are getting better around here.  Except for the poop issues.  Still got those.  But I got some really helpful tips that I will try out tomorrow.

Really, I should know better than to stay seated drinking my coffee when things get ominously quiet around the house.  But I didn't.  And when the cobwebs cleared in my brain I jumped up to find James had emptied one of the upstairs trashcans of dirty diapers and brought it downstairs to use as a step stool to get scissors out to cut open a breakfast bar that I would not let him have (because he had already had one).
(Somebody please come quickly and organize my cabinets).
It is not fair that he wakes up firing on all cylinders while it takes me a few hours and a few cups of coffee to catch up to him.

All morning we looked forward to our first visit with Nana and Papa in several days.  We've missed them!  We live right around the corner from each other and are used to seeing them everyday but since we've all been sick, we've kept our distance.
James loved having his Nana back.
And Papa brought him some new art supplies!  Including his first pair of scissors!  Although he has clearly been practicing with big scissors when I'm not looking.
Any bets on how long before he gives himself or Jude (or George) a haircut???
All that fun with Nana and Papa wore Jamesie out.  He fell asleep right in the middle of reading a book to Honey Puppy.
Now that's some good napping.
AND...I taped his diaper on so I wouldn't come in to find another poopy mess.  Instead I found this...
A hairy mess.  He didn't understand why I was taking his picture right after he got up from his nap.

Included it James' new art supplies is a roll of stickers.  Which we have found everywhere.  On my back...
On George...(he didn't appreciate that)...
On Jude...
On Daddy...
And on himself...
This kid loves him some stickers.
We are so proud of Jude. He has come along way since his surgery. He is sitting up so well and will be crawling any day now! Six weeks ago we didn't know if he was going to live or not and so I rejoice and celebrate over these precious milestones!!
Since James had such a super nap today he needed to stay up a little late.  I was sitting on the bed checking email and he was in the bathroom "making a list" as he told me.  When he came out, he had apparently been making the list on the end of his nose with an ink pen.
And he was very proud.

After I put him down I went to the grocery store BY MYSELF!  When I came home he was still in his room awake and yelled down the stairs at me, "Momma, do you hear me?  Open the door!  Momma?  What's up dog?"  So delicate and charming.  He finally fell asleep and I went in to turn off the light and found him like this...
He had no doubt been trying to get out of his diaper again but the TAPE stopped him!  Let's hope he didn't sneak his new scissors in with him.

And by the case you are wondering if I think those pillow cases match his bedding...I know they don't.  They were a gift the child life specialist brought us while we were in the hospital with Jude and James LOVES them.  I think that is why he has started sleeping in his bed instead of on the floor.  That's fine...we will work on color and pattern coordination another day.

And just because George has been feeling left out lately...I took his picture to make him feel special.


Anonymous said…
That's too cute!!! My daughter used to do the same thing with the stickers! And even though she's 8 now, I still sometimes find them stuck on the back of the furniture and I KNOW she stuck them 3-4 years ago. :o)