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This day has almost gotten the better of me.  After being up much of the night giving Jude breathing treatments and listening to him cough...he has decided he doesn't want to eat again.  He is also running a fever tonight.  James has started coughing worse.  And Brad started running a 104* fever with severe stomach, head and back pain and a cough.  His dad came to take him to the ER but I gave him Tylenol and phenergan before he left.  While at the ER the phenergan started to kick in and he was tired of waiting so he decided to come home and wait it out here until he can go to the doctor in the morning.  Not what I would've liked for him to do but I totally was not consulted.  (Insert grumpy-mom face here.)  So after I got Brad all snugged down in bed and dosed up with everything in the medicine cabinet I thought might help, I gave James a bath and was bringing him downstairs and we fell all the way down the stairs...but not before I knocked my head and back so hard I thought I might be making my own trip to the ER.  PRAISE GOD neither James or I were hurt very badly!  James just has a little scratch on his foot and I have plenty of padding back there so I'm sure I'll be fine.  But I do have a wicked carpet burn on my elbow...I know, I know...poor me.  So I'm going to be giving Jude breathing treatments every 3 hours tonight and take both boys in to see Dr. Honey first thing in the morning.  And Brad is going to his doctor first thing too.

SO...let me tell you the good news about today!  When Brad was at the ER and Jude and James were coughing their heads off and I was looking for the last shred of my sanity...our precious precious neighbors came in and prayed for us.  When I saw Mr. Edwards, I quit holding back the tears that had been right on the surface and cried all over him.  A big ugly cry with running mascara and snot and everything.  Bless his heart.  He and Mrs. Edwards came in and prayed for us.  Then they walked throughout our home and prayed for a spirit of peace and health.  Then he told me Jude had a poopy diaper and handed him off to me.  I don't blame him.  When my mom got here I handed him off to her and she changed it...she's awesome like that.  But while Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, James, Jude and I were up in James' room praying, I was holding James and he had his head on my shoulder and his mouth by my ear.  While Mrs. Edwards was praying James was whispering in my ear, "Mommy, Daddy, James, Judie Bug, Nana, Papa, Mommy, Daddy, James, Judie Bug, Nana, Papa..." over and over.  And I once again lost it.  The precious heart of my little 2 year old praying...whispering his prayers into my ear.  The Lord doesn't have to be so good to me...but He is.  Of all of the many many blessings in my life, hearing my child's prayers for his family is certainly one of the greatest.

But for reals...RIGHT WHEN I NEEDED IT THE MOST...the Lord provided Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.  How awesome is that!?!  AND...I didn't break any bones...or any of James'!  And Brad's temperature is down to 102*!  And my sweet Mommy came and helped me not loose the rest of my mind and also went to the grocery store for me...and changed that poopy diaper.  And once again I am thanking the Lord for the strength He has given me to get through this day and the hope for a good day tomorrow.  You know...His mercies ARE new every morning!

Lamentations 3:22-24-Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him."

So Jude and I are kicking it downstairs tonight to let Brad rest and to stay away from his germs.  
It doesn't seem to be bothering Jude a bit.

Tonight I read these quotes..."Faith does not say, "I see this is good for me; therefore God must have sent it."  Instead, faith declares, "God sent it; therefore it must be good for me."

"Faith, when walking through the dark with God, only asks Him to hold his hand more tightly." Phillips Brooks

Psalm 40:11-13-Do not withhold Your mercy from me, Lord; may Your love and faithfulness always protect me.  For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.  They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me.  Be pleased to save me, Lord; come quickly, Lord, to help me.


Jen said…
goodness, when it rains, it pours! so glad you guys were okay after that fall! praying for healing and health for your sweet family! we love yall! :)