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Share And Share Alike

Today got off to such a good start and I am so thankful!  James wasn't feeling the love though.  He was all sorts of cranky that Jude had the nerve to touch his tool bench.  How dare he.
He had to get up off the couch and everything to move it away from him.  James is very particular about the tools being hung up on the side...everything in its place.  Jude, not s'much...and it irks James to his very core.  He also doesn't like for Judie Bug to touch him at all.  Ever.
One of our morning routines is reading the Bible together.  Or as James calls it...the "Boble".  This morning he decided it was his turn to read it to me and he kept saying, "Listen, I read the Boble.  Listen!"
Seems like I might need to start reading him a few verses about loving your little brother and sharing your toys and whatnot.

Afternoon nap time came and James once again resisted.  What else is new?  So I went in to get him after awhile and it scared him when I opened his door.  He had one of Jude's socks on his hand and turned around real fast and gasped and held up his hand and said, "SOCK!"
Apparently sock puppets are a good way to pass the time when you are locked in your room.

Later James and Jude played play-doh.  Again, James was not pumped to have to share his play-doh with his pesky little brother.  Life is tough.
Jude gave him the side eye to make sure he didn't stab him with the skewer I was letting him play with.
How else are you supposed to get the play-doh out of these stupid toys?
Jude is sticking to the closed play-doh cans.  That's smart.
I hope you had a wonderful Friday.  Thank you again for your prayers for the boys!  I hope you have and awesome holiday weekend!
