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Relay Wrap Up

The Relay was last night until this morning. Brad, JT and I set up our campsite.  We tried to set up a big ez-up canopy but the wind was so strong that it actually broke the frame.  Thankfully the logistics guy, Ken, took pity on us and set up one for us later when the wind died down a little.
After we set up we spent a little time with the boys over at Mom and Dad's.  Brad didn't get to spend a lot of time with them since he was in and back out of town so fast.  But he enjoyed them while he could.
Before the Relay got started we enjoyed hanging out and talking with everyone.  Both Bonnie and I were interviewed for an article in the paper.

James hearts Emery

And who could blame him?  She precious!
My wonderful family!
The Relay got started off with a WHOLE lot of speeches.  It was a bit too much for my sleepy boys.
I love this angel face!

My Survivors!

James and Brad

This years youngest survivor!  What a champ!!!!

So sleepy...big yaaaawwwwnnnn

Hot, cranky and bored.

Brad, Dad and Jude
Finally the Survivor lap kicked off the Relay.  I was so proud to see my Dad and Jude leading the pack along with some of our other teammates, Bonnie, David, Emery, and Melissa.
Melissa, Dad, Mom, and Judie Bug

Mom, James and Brad
The rest of the evening was filled with lots of talking, walking, fund raising, and dirt.  Lots and lots of blowing dirt.
Mommy and Jamesie

Matt, Jude, Brad and David

Melissa, Jude and Dad

Bonnie and Emery...and a yellow cupcake

Karin and JT walking for our team
My love
Karin and JT
And the WINNER of the drawing for the photo shoot with David Williams is.....(drumroll).... our friends Gene and Glenda!  CONGRATULATIONS!  I can't wait to see the great photos yall get!
And I have to was meant to be because Emery pulled Gene and Glenda's name out of the cup first and that was the official winner.  Then she continued to pull names out of the cup because it was fun and pulled their name out 3 more times! 

Around 10 they had the luminaria ceremony.  

Some more hanging out and chatting then the decision was made to call it a night and reconvene early this morning for the closing ceremony.  I only got 3 hours of sleep so I should have just stayed out there.  3 hours is better than no hours though.

At the closing ceremony we won 3 awards!!!!  One for coming in 2nd place for raising the most money,  (and I am happy to say that we were only beat out by a HUGE company!  Yay us!) one for me being the individual that raised the most money of all the teams, and one for being the best rookie team!  I am so very proud of our team and the money we raised for this very worthy cause.  I loved working with each of my amazing teammates and I am so grateful to each of them for their hard work and dedication.  Thank you SO much!  I love all of you guys!

And to those who made donations to our team...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

After a long nap this morning I went to get my sweet little boys.  I missed them.  This was the first full night I've spent away from Jude ever.  I didn't like it one bit.  I need my babies close to me.  That is why I love looking over and seeing this sweet face laying next to me.


Anonymous said…
Wow! That sounds like fun and for such a good cause!! You got some really great pictures of it, too! I understand what you mean about not being apart from your kids at night. I can't handle it either!!
Kristi Kelly said…
I love that your whole family did this special! And LOVE the pic of you and Brad...super cute!! Love ya friend!!!
Sarah Durham said…
Such an amazing cause! I know Bonnie has really enjoyed getting to know you and your sweet family. And I know your friend Ashley Sparkman! Small world...we were pledge sisters at Tech.