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Today was one of those days that made me want to pull my hair out because my kids were CA-RAZY!  Seriously.  They totally would not give me a break.  Granted I should have taken my "break" while they were supposed to be napping (they weren't napping...but they were confined in their room and playpen and couldn't get at me) instead of laying out in the back yard trying to get a little bit of sun on this ghostly white skin (I believe that tan fat is better than pale fat any day).  But I didn't and that made me super crankyface by the end of the day.  Especially when Brad had a work dinner to go to that he didn't tell me about until 4:48.  He clearly did not get the memo that my shift ends at 5:00 and these kids don't just take care of themselves.  I made the mistake of buying James a huge plastic water gun at the Wal-Mart today.  He hit me in the face with it.  On. Purpose.  Then he dumped the entire tray of dots out of the bottom of the big hole puncher.  I've never seen Jude army crawl so fast to get to them.  And the dots just totally stuck to his fat gooey slobbery hands...which went directly into his mouth.  James saw me coming with my mad look and ran and got his toy vacuum.  Which I have to admit made me laugh...until I realized it was just scattering the dots far and wide.  Then it made me even more mad when I tried to vacuum them up with the real vacuum and came to find out it does just about as good of a job and the toy vacuum does.  So I ended up picking the majority of the dots up by hand.  And don't waste your breath telling me I should have made James help me because he thought they were just great where they were...especially since his little brother loved eating them so much.  Then he hit me in the face AGAIN with the stupid water gun...also on purpose.  This landed him straight in bed at 6:30.  Jude, who was screaming this whole time, also went to bed for a nap.  I went out to the back yard and sat there...all by myself...and called my mother to make sure she didn't want to adopt my children.

I went in later to check on James and he was all cute and asleep and I fell in love with him again.  He's so sweet when he's asleep and still and quiet.
I should have gotten the tape roller to pick up the dots.  Darn it.  I will remember that for next time.


bonnie said…
Hilarious! David's brother got married tonight. So, I've basically been a single mom for the past couple of days while David did his Best Man duties. I am worn out myself and would have put Emery to bed at 6:30 had we not been at the wedding! Turns out being a stay-at-home mom of a 18 months old is HARD work! I love every minute of it though!
Anonymous said…
Oh man...I know what days like this are like! That's when I put together a spontaneous 'everyone come over to my place and drink margaritas' girls night. Then all is well in the world again! :o)