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24 Hours In The Canyon

Today started out with Brad's dad, Stan, being ordained as a deacon.  Come to find out, that is a big ole deal in the Catholic church.  (This baptist-raised gal did not know that until about 2 years into the 4 1/2 year process).  We are SO proud of him for this accomplishment and commitment.  Here is an article about it from the paper this morning.  Stan is the one right smack in the middle.
After that we went down to Palo Duro Canyon.  This is the 5th year for 24 Hours In The Canyon, an event that raises money for The Don & Sybil Harrington Cancer Center and The Lance Armstrong Foundation specifically for helping patients diagnosed with cancer. 
This year a donation was made in Jude's name supporting a rider for the 3:00 hour. We made it down to the canyon just in time to hear them announce Jude's hour.
Kimberly and Ryan are some of our friends from church.  They started and direct the whole event. 
24 Hours In The Canyon has become such a huge event since it's beginning 5 years ago.  I asked Kimberly today if this is what their vision was when they started it and she said it was.  I am so impressed by their dedication to this cause.  This year there were 800 riders!  Maybe next year James can ride in the Kids Race.  Last time he was at 24 Hours In The Canyon he was in my belly.
It is right around 5000 degrees in the hot hot.  I had to get my fair-skinned babies in the shade quickly.  James looked like this when we got back to the car.  I think he over-heated. 
We are surrounded by the most precious neighbors.  They have been such a blessing by praying for Jude and being a sweet support to us emotionally, prayerfully, and even by mowing our yard when Brad was sick.  Tonight Donna and Doug came down and prayed with us regarding some different things going on as well as for Jude.  Donna had some wise words that have been on my mind all evening.  She said that when someone is angry, harsh words are just like pouring gas on the fire but helpfulness and encouraging words are soothing.  This is of course from Proverbs 15:1-A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  But she told it with a story about how a Muslim that she works with came to know Christ through the example of her and 2 other co-workers being helpful, soothing, and encouraging even in the face of his harshness towards them.  He was drawn to what (Who!!!) could cause them to be so kind to him when he was so mean and unkind.  The 3 of them did not work in the same department so they were unaware of how each of their actions were all working together to draw him to the Lord.  I love when we are fortunate enough to get to see the way the Lord has worked or is working.  We don't always get to know but sometimes, when we do, it is such a precious blessing.  Likewise, when we were looking at this house, I loved it because it is so close to my parents and in the neighborhood that I love.  I didn't know that the Lord would surround us with Christians who have taken us in, loved us and prayed for us, as well as so many other personal things that only the Lord could do.

Isaiah 55:8-9-  "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, " declares the Lord.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. "
