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Judie Bug

Can you believe I did not take a single picture today?!?!?!  Madness!  James took one of the hallway that totally doesn't relate to what I am going to post about so I will just re-use an old picture.

So today Jude had two with Dr. Honey and one with his oncologist.  Of course our appointment with Dr. Honey went beautifully.  Jude is in the 10th percentile for weight and 75th for height and just clicking right along.  He even has his first tooth!  While I was there I talked to Dr. Honey about the things that went wrong with Jude's scans last week.  All of which has led Brad and I to the decision to get a second opinion in Dallas.  They have a neuroblastoma specialist there.  When we started this journey in March we were adamant about staying in Amarillo for Jude's care.  I wanted to be close to home for James' sake and I felt completely confident in our doctors.  So many people tried to convince us to get a second opinion in a larger city but we stuck to our guns.  It has been a process for us to get to this point...but here we are.  The good thing is that staying in Amarillo initially enabled us to have Jude's surgery done immediately to remove the tumor.  That was the most important thing.  Now that he is stable and doing well, we see the wisdom in having someone who deals strictly with neuroblastoma look things over.  It will give me a great peace of mind after all of the stress and doubt from last week.  Dr. Honey was extremely supportive this morning as I discussed this with her.  I value her opinion so much and it helped to have her backing me up on this. 

Unfortunately when I went to see our oncologist he was not there and we had to see his partner.  I was disappointed but went ahead with the conversation I needed to have with him and his nurse.  It didn't go as badly as it could have but I am glad it is behind me.

The bottom line is this...Jude is my priority.  I need to feel 100% confident that he is receiving the BEST and most competent care.  I can't worry about hurting someones feelings or offending someone.  Jude has cancer.  My priority is making sure he gets better.


apryl said…
Totally agree with you girl...If it were my child I'd be there in a hear beat. I love our doctors here but I would want the best no matter what. Praying for you and your family always!