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Bible Stories

I took James to see Dr. Honey today and he has a cold as well as one of his molars is coming in.  Poor baby.  But that certainly accounts for how he has been acting lately.

When I was little my Mom would read me Bible stories from The Bible In Pictures For Little Eyes by Kenneth Taylor.  I loved it and I still have that book.
When James was dedicated Mom and Dad got him the new version and I read it to him every night.
Tonight we read about Adam and Eve.  At the end of each story there are a couple of simple questions to ask your child.  So I asked James, "What is the man's name?" and he said, "Adam."  I asked, "What is the woman's name?" and James said, "Steve."  Adam and Steve.  Nope.  I don't think that's it.  Perhaps we will do a little review tomorrow night.


bonnie said…
HILARIOUS!!! Yes, try again tomorrow night...
Jodie said…
Haha, kids really do say the funniest stuff!! :)