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What A Day!

Last night I told you that James was getting sick.  He woke up with a 102.5 temp this morning so I called the doctor. 
He was holding his tummy and head this morning.  Unfortunately, Dr. Honey was off today so we had to see another doctor.  James was less than thrilled. 
It is very rare for James to fall asleep unless it is bedtime...much less in my arms.
He is one sick baby.
Turns out he has and ear infection as well as a sore throat but the tummy stuff is what was really troubling.  The doctor couldn't even touch his tummy without him screaming.  So we went to the hospital for a CT to check for appendicitis.  Do you know how difficult it is to get the pickiest eater in the entire world to drink two bottles of a yucky drink?  Not easy and not pleasant.  At all.  But then the IV was the real kicker.  It took 5 adults to hold him down...he's super strong.  No doctors or nurses believe me when I say that until they try to look in his mouth or ears or heavenforbid give him a shot.  Then they believe me.  So after 5 adults holding him down, it took 4 times for them to get the IV in.  One of them got bent.  Needless to say, James was hysterical.  It broke my heart into a million pieces.

This was after the scan while we were waiting to hear the results.  It breaks my heart because he was trying really hard to put on a brave face and smile for me.  He was worn out.  You can tell by how messy his hair is that he put up one heck of a sweaty fight.
The good news was that the CT came back normal.  But so what was the deal with his tummy???  Unfortunately we had to go BACK to the doctor's office so they could cath him to see if it was a UTI.  Why didn't they do this before sending us to the hospital for a CT????  Don't know.  Sort of irritating.  So after being made to drink total nastiness, being stuck 4 times, and strapped down to a CT table, he had to be cathed.  Not cool.  We are waiting on the results of that.

I could not get my baby home fast enough and get him bathed and comfortable.  But first he insisted on playing with his trucks.  He was so happy to be home.
He was extremely exhausted tonight.  He did a lot of fighting and crying today.  He even busted out of the huge velcro straps that were holding him to the CT table.  So he didn't put up a fight when we put him in bed.  My poor sweet baby.  I am praying for the Lord's quick healing of my little guy.  I am thankful he is not in the hospital tonight and praying for good results of all the labwork.

Jude was with Nana all day...I can't tell you how thankful I am to live close to my parents.

I am comforted by one of the verses we have studied in BSF...Isaiah 40:11...He gently leads those that have young.  
I know that we are certainly not promised a carefree life with no problems but on difficult days like today I am so grateful for the Lord's graciousness and comfort from His word, prayers from my sweet family and friends, and the strength of my wonderful supportive husband.  Jamesie belongs to the Lord.  Jesus loves him more than I do.  He knows the number of James' days.  And most importantly, I can trust Him.  He is faithful.  He is good all the time.


Peanut said…
My goodness!! I hate that James has been so sick and had to go through all that. I'm praying for a very quick recovery and that you never have to go through all that again. Hugs friend.
Kristi Kelly said…
Stephanie! This is why I love reading your blog. You tell about the hard times showing people how you go straight to the Lord with praise and thanksgiving. I will be praying that he heals quickly and ya'll don't have to go through that again:(