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We moved into this house about 7 months ago and we FINALLY put up curtains in the boys room today...we being Brad...because I have been forbidden to ever try to hang curtains again for as long as I live.  I made and absolute mess of the walls above every single window in this house trying to hang curtains.  Curtain-hanging is not one of my strengths.  I am ok with that.  I am not ok with the huge ugly holes in our walls but that too shall pass.  Anyhow, Bradley...who is good at everything...hung the curtains today.  Yahoo! 
And now James is sleeping in a completely dark room.
He even steamed them while James, Jude and I took a nap this afternoon.  I know...I'm spoiled.  He's awesome.
Jamesie discovered this hat in his closet today.  A little bit small but o-well.  It's not like we are too concerned with fashion with our Spiderman Wal-Mart sneakers and all.
I think Jamesie is on his way back to 100%.
He certainly was a sweetheart today.
He even did a little dancing with Daddy.
And played "airplane".


Jen said…
How fun! The curtains look great! :)
Melinda said…
I love it!! I used to play airplane with my dad!! The curtains do look great and thanks for the interior design warning!! I will use your opinion just not your mad hanging skills!! haha