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A Long Sick Day

Oh boy do I have some sick boys! Jude was fussy on Thursday and that is very uncharacteristic for him. We took his temperature and it was 102.1. I just about fainted and sent frantic texts and emails to Raine since it was too late to call her. She called me first thing in the morning and told me to come in at 9:30 to see Dr. Honey. Later I got James up and he had thrown up so I took his temp and he had 101.1. So I ended up taking both of my little sweeties in with Nana's help.
Taking two sick babies to the doctor is no fun.
Dr. Honey looked at Jude first and decided he has a cold or something.  I can't remember.
But Jamesie has tonsillitis.  Then last night Jude started barfing too.  In one day I had two children puke on me, one blow snot on me, cleaned up three dog tee-tee messes, numerous gross diapers, and lots of other not awesome stuff.  BUT my precious friend Michelle brought us a delicious dinner and dessert.  What a blessing!

This morning we had to give Jude 1 teaspoon of pedialyte every 5 minutes for an hour, then 1 tablespoon every 15 minutes for an hour, then 1 ounce every 30 minutes for an hour, then we switched to half-strength formula.  He kept it all down so I switched him over to full-strength formula tonight.  So far so good!
We had a pajama day.  Everyone (except Brad) stayed in our pj's all day.
Jamesie and I took a good long nap this morning since I didn't sleep last night and he had tummy medicine that made him sleepy.
And although you can't tell from this picture, he was a cranky bear when he woke up.
After a bath he cheered up a little.
He even felt well enough to look out for his little brother and bring him a blankie.
What a sweetie.
This has been a very looooooooong two days.
We're beat and praying our little guys are all better quickly.
