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A New Routine

Even though I am so incredibly thankful for the wonderful outcome to surgery yesterday, I am looking so forward to returning home and getting back to our life and our routine...even though that might look a little differently now. I can't sleep and was looking through my pictures. These are the pictures I took right before we left for Jude's sonogram. When I was clueless as to what was ahead.
I miss my little James. I can't wait to get back to normal with him and for him to crawl up in bed with us every morning and start bugging us for "choacat moke" (chocolate milk) and "tartoons" (cartoons). Even if it is only 5:00 am when he starts asking.
It doesn't take much to make you miss normal.


The Vinyards said…
Praying for Jude & your family. Please let me know if we can do anything.
Anonymous said…
I was in the OR with Jude! Small world when a family member says to pray specially for this little baby and it became the same baby! He is such a cute little boy. And I am so thankful that the surgery went well! (carol Thomas is my sons mom-in-law). Will continue to pray as you wait for all the tests to come back!
Melinda said…