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My Son's Addiction

Well...the little booty is showing great improvement and along with it so is James' mood. He is back to his cheerful, charming, delightful little self. And I am thankful for that. Nearly 3 weeks of a cranky James made for 3 weeks of a frazzled Mommy.

I've told you before on many occasions that both Brad and I are very anal, type-a personalities. My Mom says that I am "finely wired" which I much prefer to "high strung" or any other of the less complimentary terms used to describe me. But along with this personality trait comes great frustration with not being able to fix something and see immediate results. So James being out of sorts and so uncomfortable for the better part of 3 weeks was terribly upsetting to Brad and I.

Anyhow...along with that "finely wired" stuff...Brad and I absolutely cannot stand it if our clothes, or James', get dirty. For instance, if we were out to eat and I got a spot of something on my clothes, we would go home so I could change before moving on to the next thing. I get's a total personality/character flaw...but it's the way we are. Wasn't the Lord good to put us together! So last night over at my parent's house Brad made a comment about me that didn't go over too well. In all fairness he said he was just joking...but the "finely wired" part of me objected vehemently to the comment. A few moments later as Brad was feeding James a whole lot of sweet potatoes...and I mean A LOT...James sneezed twice all over Brad and his nice clean clothes. Covered him in sweet potatoes. I cannot even begin to tell you the vast amount of joy this brought me. Since I daily get covered in sneezes, poop, tee-tee, snot, spit up and anything else that comes from or out of this was nice for Brad to be the recipient...especially after the unflattering comment. Brad, being the cheerful soul that he is, laughed it off. But the clothes went right in the washer the second we got home.


The highlight of James' day is when we stop by to say "hello" to Nana and Papa. The second we pull into their driveway he starts smiling and kicking his legs to get out. His face lights up the second he sees his Nana and he makes a mad scramble to get to her! He knows where to go to get some unconditional love and spoiling.He has learned that Papa is the one who puts on Baby Einstein for him. It is one of their favorite activities to do together. James even knows when to look at Papa to make the funny dragon sound. "BBBBLLLLLAAAAAHHHHHH!" If you are a Mommy you know the part I am talking about. But as long as he is sitting with his Papa he is a happy little boy! I think Papa is his very best it should be since they have the same name.These past 3 weeks I have depended heavily on Baby Einstein to calm James down and fend off some of the outbursts that have come from him having a sore little bo-bo. But I think I have created an addiction.Even when he is playing he keeps a watchful eye on Baby Einstein. But I don't feel too bad about it since it is somewhat educational and is supposed to do good things for his brain and whatnot. There are days that I think I will loose mine though if I hear one more Beethoven or Mozart song...but that's another issue entirely.Should I be worried that he is using the remote to skip to his favorite part? Maybe he'll start changing his own diaper and putting himself to bed.


Erin said…
Which BE DVD's do you have?
Celee said…
You can't EVER go back! And, yes, I remember the baby Einstein days. I used them for Kurtis, but not for the others. I'm pretty sure he isn't any smarter than the rest of them, but he does have issues with attention and focusing! (Probably just a coincidence:) And while I can appreciate classical music, you might as well go ahead and introduce them to classic rock while they're young. At least, that's my philosophy!