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I am totally obsessed with how inexplicably adorable sleeping babies are...well...mine in particular. I think it is the sweetest thing in all the world. That is why I take so many pictures of it. I can't get enough. It's an addiction. A weird one. So when I went in to get Jamesie up from his nap this afternoon I snapped a few.
That sweet snuggliness with his face all buried in Puppy...
Those precious little tootsies all bundled up under him. Then....

"Oh my gosh Mom! You're freakin me out!"
I have to would be pretty creepy to wake up with someone looming over you with a camera. I think he would be used to it by now...but clearly it is still pretty startling.
But the most exciting news of the day is that James finally took his first steps!!!! Hooray! It happened at Mom and Dad's and I am so thankful we were all there to see it. I have been terrified that I would miss his first steps. It happened in Mom's kitchen and I screamed with excitement and scared him to death. Seriously...I need to get a grip. We've just been waiting for so long.
So we bribed him with Kit Kat's to keep him walking. I must apologize in advance for my utter ridiculousness and obnoxiousness in this video. I clearly let my excitement get the best of me and it not only frightened James but now must annoy you as well. It would be better for you if you just muted your computer before watching.

Oh for the love....someone get some more Kit Kat's....stat. I make it sound as if it's an issue of life or death. Good grief. I'm going to give myself a tranquilizer dart and go to bed.
Never mind the fact that the dog is walking better than James. That would clearly be the more amazing feat. Or maybe he just REALLY wants a Kit Kat. Whatev.


Erin said…
Hahahahahahaha! Yay for James!!! What an accomplishment.

Todd was obsessed with Laird learning to walk. We "practiced" with Laird...having him take 2 or 3 steps inbetween us.

Don't 2 or 3 weeks James will be RUNNING everywhere and NOTHING will be safe!
Melanie Lyons said…
LOL He is so cute! Funny how everything is more exciting when you have kids :)
Celee said…
Lucie has been toying around with walking for a few weeks now. One step, maybe two, then down to crawling position. Finally, today she walked 5-6 steps multiple times. I wonder if she'll remember how tomorrow.

Btw- your breakfast casserole for our last CBS fellowship was delish. I want that recipe. I do, but I don't if you know what I mean. No, I do. I think.