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I don't read very often...usually only out of necessity. And when I do read it usually has to do with food...cookbooks, food magazines, recipes, etc. I think it just is such an indulgence that I have a hard time justifying "I really should be cleaning right now instead of reading..." or my biggest hang up is "if I am going to be spending time reading I should be reading the Bible..."

But in spite of my obvious neuroses I am reading 3 books right now. The first one is not really one that I am reading cover to cover but more just as a reference called What To Expect The Toddler Years. My sister, Christi brought it to me on Saturday. It has been helpful in realizing that some of James' little behavioral issues (such as having an utter meltdown at diaper time, gnawing on the side of his crib like a little rabbit, and throwing stuff on the floor just to watch me fetch it like a dog) are totally normal. Whew!
The second one is by my favorite author Karen Kingsbury called Shades of Blue. When I do decide to release myself from the guilt of indulgent reading, she is usually the author that gets me to do it. The third one is my favorite. It is called Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. It is convicting and necessary reading if you are married (in my opinion). Even if you have the best marriage ever, it is so good to read. Being married to Brad is easy. He makes it easy. But there are some things I could (and should) do to make it a little bit easier to be married to me. Trust is not easy to be married to me. Brad deserves an medal of strength, bravery, and steadfastness for being married to me. Bless his heart. I can be a real toot sometimes.
Ok...I've procrastinated long enough. Time to clean. (Unless I can come up with something else random to blog about).
