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My wonderful Mom kept Jamesie for me this morning so I could have some alone time (i.e.-shopping) in order to preserve a few frayed shreds of my sanity. She noticed that he wasn't really his perky cheerful little self. I assumed he was just sleepy...or had a case of the sads.You can even tell he isn't himself from the pictures she took.

After Brad got off early from work, I made him and James continue the sanity-saving shopping adventure with me. James' mood rapidly declined. Especially in the housewares department of Dillard's. "Typical male", I thought.

We finally got home and discovered that James had a 102 degree fever. Don't I feel terrible! Yes, yes I do. Poor little guy. We don't know what is wrong with him yet. I just sneaked in and felt his head and he feels cool now. (Thank you Tylenol).But anyhow, in my quest to be more Brad-like (glass half-full...look for the sunny side of life...silver know, that sort of thing), I took advantage of the one little piece of good that I can take from my baby not feeling well and soaked up all the snuggling he would allow. It is just about the only time he will allow me to snuggle with him. And yes...that is a bottle. Mind your own business. It's my prerogative. I'm his mother. He doesn't feel well. Never mind that he gets one every night.


Erin said…
I did the same thing in the summer...had Laird out shopping all morning, noticed he wasn't quite himself but just figured he was tired...come to find out he had a high fever!!! Don't feel like a bad Mama - you aren't!

And I am so glad you got to have snuggly time. Feel better James!