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Scrumptious Saturday

Happy Saturday! I love Saturdays. This morning my Mom made Creme Brulee french toast for breakfast (and coffee, sausage, and bacon) and had us over. It was SO delish! I could have eaten the entire dish. Mmmm. It was a fantastic ending to a long night. James didn't sleep well...which means I didn't sleep well. He didn't get either one of his naps out as well so he was pretty subdued this evening. He just wanted to snuggle and be lazy. Which always suits us just fine.I was putting up some laundry and Brad called me into the room to show me this.We thought it was really funny. James didn't even notice. Clearly we need some entertainment in our lives. We are very easily amused.


Celee said…
Lucie loves putting on our shoes! I was at the computer the other day and all of a sudden realized she'd been very quiet. I turned around and one of the kids had left a big jar of cream with the lid off sitting on the cofee table. She had stuck her hand in it, rubbed lotion on her face, then stuck her hand back in and was digging around in it. Today she kept going upstairs and getting into the kids' legos. What a fun age!