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I Love Fridays!

Today Jenniffer took me to lunch at Crush for my birthday. It was delish. And she got me one of my beautiful wine glasses.
Bradley got home from work early and we took Jamesie for his second haircut. The first one was super-traumatic...for us and for James. This one was no better...trauma-wise.

This was before the hair-cut...a little shaggy and long.
Brad was designated baby-wrangler last hair-cut so I got the pleasure this time.

So far so big deal. He gets a cool little cape and a new friend to flirt with.
She even gave him a hairbrush to play with. Super fun!
And that's when the clippers came on and all hell broke loose.
I've never been one to mind attention...but this attracted some very unwanted attention. The kind of attention you get when people think you are ruthlessly torturing your child.
I held on for as long as I could but I had to call in the muscles. What can I do to make this a less traumatic event? I mean...I get it...I can understand how freaky it must be to have some stranger coming at your head with scissors and a buzzy thing. Even if you do get to wear a cool cape.

Our surefire happy-maker is to take him straight to Nana and Papa for some spoiling. It always does the trick.
Tomorrow the birthday festivities continue with a birthday date with this hot guy I know.


Erin said…
LOL! I cut Laird's hair yesterday...he didn't cry, but he didn't want to hold still either. I didn't do a super good job, but at least he doesn't have a rat tail anymore. :P