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My 32nd Birthday

My 32nd birthday has come and gone. It was a great day...except for that my little Jamesie isn't feeling so great...but we'll get to that in a minute.
It is our birthday tradition for my Mom to fix me whatever I want for my birthday meal and whatever cake I want. Then we open presents. I wanted chicken and dumplings and almond joy cake. It was delish! Mom even set the table with her beautiful china and crystal and my favorite roses. It was lovely.
If you've never had almond joy cake you should really ask my Mom for the recipe because it is fabulous!
Then came present time! I got a lot of fun kitchen very favorite kind of stuff to get. You can tell my the look on my face that I was super-pumped to get this big bowl that matches my dishes! Oddly enough...I was with my Mom when she bought this and I totally forgot about it. It is easy to surprise a forgetful person. Now for the bad news. My poor precious little Jamesie has just not been himself lately. It started last week with a high temp and a bad virus. Then it became a rash. Then it became a diaper rash. Now it is a really evil diaper rash. Poor little bum. We have tried every ointment, cream, prescription, old wives tale...everything...and nothing has worked. So we let him go around without his diaper for two days. Risky, I know but we were desperate. It may have helped a little but it was more humorous than anything. James didn't seem to know or care that he was naked. He is certainly comfortable in his own skin. I sure like that about him.

He got lots of spoiling and lots of Baby Einstein.
Lots and lots of Baby Einstein. Super fun for him...super boring for mom and dad.But we got to snuggle with him so that made it ok with us.

I took him to the doc this morning and got yet another prescription for diaper rash. Surely this one will work!


Erin said…
Oh no! You said he had roseola, right? Ick. Laird had that a few months ago - poor James! Laird sends lots of get well wishes...and he wishes he could come to your house and watch Baby Einstein!