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50 Things I Love About My Husband

1. He loves the Lord, me and that order.
2. He knows exactly what to order for me at any restaurant.
3. He knows how I drink my coffee.
4. He's got big muscles.
5. He is a hard-worker.
6. He loves my family.
7. He knows what I would like as well or better than I do.
8. He laughs at himself.
9. He keeps me in check...a never before accomplished task. Many have tried and many have failed.
10. He knows just how to cheer me up.
11. He gets away with saying things to me that no one else would.
12. He knows all of my dirty secrets and loves me anyways.
13. He likes my cooking.
14. He's super-athletic. Seriously...give him a sport...he'll beat you at it.
15. He's good at everything he does.
16. If he doesn't know how to do something, he learns, then excels.
17. His glass is always half-full.
18. He knows how to make fun of me without making me mad. It's an art.
19. He is allergic to cats...which suits me just fine because I hate cats.
20. He folds the laundry for me.
21. He doesn't mind changing dirty diapers.
22. He stuck it out when I got all crazy after I had James and again when we moved.
23. He knows when to try to fix my crazy and when to call in Mom and Dad.
24. He watches cooking shows and home shows with me.
25. He loves bad 80's movies.
26. He knows what I am thinking by looking at my face.
27. He proposed with a horse-drawn carriage, pink roses and champagne...and a beautiful ring.
28. He eats double-stuffed EL Fudges in bed with me.
29. In the 5 years that we have been together as a couple he has never forgotten my twins' birthday. I've only mentioned it one time...he still remembers.
30. He brings me pink roses because they are my favorite.
31. He's hilarious.
32. He has dance-offs with me just to humor me.
33. He lets me win.
34. You really should see his technique for getting the last chip crumbs out of the's a thing of beauty.
35. He watches the movies I want to watch.
36. I trust him implicitly.
37. He has never given me a reason not to.
38. He's brutally honest. And yes, those jeans really were too tight.
39. He always wears a red hat.
40. He will admit when he's wrong.
41. He's never ever done any sort of illegal drug.
42. He's not easily offended.
43. He forgives easily.
44. He is always ready to learn.
45. I thought he would be the strict parent but he is the pushover. I love that.
46. He is always willing to help. Anyone. Anytime.
47. He lets me shave his head. I LOVE shaved heads.
48. He's super-smart.
49. He's known me for a long long he knows what to expect.
50. He is a wonderful husband...even when it is hard to be.


Erin said…
So why does he always wear a red hat? :)