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James has fallen in love with all males do. He has discovered the mirror on the back of our bedroom door and loves to give himself kisses. I can't really blame him...he is pretty irresistible. And I happen to love the sweet little lip marks on the mirror. So cute.

We had my very favorite kind of lazy Sunday morning yesterday. I made coffee, Brad went and got donuts and then we lazed around in bed and watched tv and played with James.

After James' afternoon nap we went to Nana and Papa's and they had a big surprise for Jamesie! I've told you before about James' obsession over Baby Einstein and the dragon (Bard) that says, "Blllllaaaaahhhhhhh" and sticks his tongue out. Well, Papa, being the doting Papa that he is, found one of the Bard puppets online and surprised James with it! So much fun!I think it took him a few minutes to wrap his mind around the fact that Bard came out of the tv and was there at Nana and Papa's! I also think that the adults had a lot more fun with Bard than James did. Why are puppets so much fun?!!?! I don't know...they just are.I can't even count the number of times we said, "Blahhh" last night. It was a lot.Anything to get a smile from him.

In preparation for Thanksgiving, today is cleaning day and tomorrow is cooking day. I LOVE holiday cooking. Love love love it! I better get to work so the fun can begin!


Erin said…
I am so jealous of you being at home!!! Have fun cleaning! :)