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Cooking Day and Bean Day

What a great day! I LOVE cooking days! I started out early with about a gallon of coffee...that is not specific to just today...that is everyday. But anyhow...Jamesie woke up not quite as perky as I was. He was a bit subdued this morning. It took him two breakfast bars and a full sippy of milk to work through the haze. I can't wait till this kid can drink will transform his life...or at least his mornings.As he was eating breakfast, I planned out my day. I gathered my recipes...And got to cookin! Although I only cooked three recipes (double batches of two though) it took me ALL day. First I made the Pumpkin Delights. One for my family and one for Brad's. This is my sister, Carrie's recipe and I only had to call her sixtyjillion times for help. Seriously...I can be so slow sometimes.Hmmm...came out looking a little too brownish. Carrie...if you see this...what do you think? Should I start over?

Next I made peanut butter cookies with Reece cups in the middle (per Brad's request). This is my Mom's recipe. It is so yummy! I made 6 dozen of these. Yes...6 dozen. That's just ridiculous. This small little tray of them was for our visitor tonight...more on him later. Last I made a lemon cranberry bundt cake disaster. Seriously...I am so glad I did that one last because if I had started with it I probably wouldn't have cooked any of the other desserts. Besides the fact that it was horrendously difficult...and I am not a beginner turned out inexplicably grotesquely ugly. So ugly that I will not even post a picture of it. I haven't covered it in the glaze maybe...just maybe...if I double the batch of the glaze to cover all of the repulsiveness it will have some redeeming edibleness. I don't know. It looks NOTHING like the magazine cake looks. It gives me the shivers just to look at it. I emailed some pictures of it to my Mom and it will probably give her nightmares. That is one ugly cake folks.

You can see I am OBSESSING about this....moving on.

James played so well considering he had to occupy himself for a large part of the day. His new favorite activity is to open and close doors....over and over and over. He really thinks it is wonderful if you come up and knock on the closed door. Then he flings it open with a huge smile! So while I was in the kitchen I heard his bedroom door opening and closing a million times. I called for him to come into the living room where I could see him. He didn't.

At first he thought he might be in trouble when he heard me coming. So he gave me the glazed over look that he gives me when he knows he is disobeying. It is like his defense mechanism..."be real still and looked dazed and innocent and she won't be mad..."But then he saw the camera and knew he couldn't be in too much trouble.
Peek-a-boo!Oh, that face does things to my soul. He is just scrumptious.

And by the can see that he decided to take all of his books off his bookshelf. I guess he had a little reading to catch up on.

So tonight Bean came over for a visit. He is in town for Thanksgiving and made my day by coming over! I am always thrilled to see him. And I was particularly excited to see him tonight to get all the juicy details on a new (and quite adorable) girl in his life. Sorry ladies...he's off the market. She is just lovely and I am so happy for him. We even got to talk to her on Skype. Not that I have a clue what that is because I am so old and technologically challenged. Brad and I felt like big old dorks. We've mastered cell phones, email and I've branched out to blogging (and only because Bean made me)...but the whole video/computer/talking and seeing thing is way too futuristic for us. We just felt silly. But she was a real champ to put up with us and let us stare at her and act like real goons. Anyhow...all of that by way of saying I sort of kind of feel like I met her and I think she is absolutely fabulous! He will be so mad at me for saying all of that. So I will say no more. I will give more details when I am given permission. Perhaps at Christmas.And Bean...being the tremendously wonderful best friend that he is...brought me a birthday present! And I get to stretch the celebrating out some more! He brought me my favorite lotion and my favorite scented candle. I know, I know ladies...sorry...he's taken. I know I say this every time I blog about Bean but we really have a unique friendship. He was friends with Brad first but clearly likes me better. We talk about everything. And for this I feel very sorry for him. There were some shady days there for me after James was born and I am fairly certain Bean heard way more than he needed to hear about a lot of things. Bless his heart. I am thankful for my friend Bean. He is a rare find indeed!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Eve and Brad and I have a big lazy day of nothing planned. I love it that way! We have 2 movies to watch and that's about it. Hope I can handle it. He and Bean are going shooting later in the afternoon but that doesn't concern me so never mind. My wonderful sisters and their families get in tomorrow night too! I can't wait! I LOVE the holidays!


Erin said…
You have to email me and spill about the bundt cake. What went wrong? Did it fall apart when you took it out of the pan?